Monday, June 2, 2008

Puzzle # 10 - Solved

The Clue: Sister = Saint.

Current cracks the code. Chews two cookies. The decoded cryptickler also happens to be VP Singh's claim to infamy.


bobfactory said...

Mandal Commission

Skip every letter !

anantha said...

I'll give it to you only if you decode the clue and connect it to the cryptickler.

bobfactory said...

Knew u wd say that ! :-)


Sister = St(meaning skip letters in between) ? bit lame that...lemme think more... cant figure out a way to change Sister except to Sis

anantha said...

nothing is lame. stare at what you've decoded and the answer will hit you hard.

bobfactory said...

Anything to do with the canonization process and skipping the Beatification step ?

Cmon.. see we r now showing proper interest in crypto! Deserve sth !

madraskaapi said...

..a guess.

sister = saint ==> s = st
likewise - a = ab, b = bc,...m = mn!

bobfactory said...

Makes perfect sense Current! Why is sister S tho? I mean short form of Saint is St. Are Sisters ref to as S ?

anantha said...

good show current. just answer bob's query and you can take the 2 cookies.

madraskaapi said...

sis is short form of sister, st for saint.

the clue: sis = st . This reads 's is equal to st'


catcharun said...

looks like that de bono book is working wonders, current :)..awesome job

Uk said...

thats just sheer brilliance..
think you should demand 4 whatevers that the ticklers throws at us !!!

anantha said...

Smashed it, current. For those who didn't notice, if we use this clueing S will be stand for ST. and B will stand for BC. Ain't it very Mandal?

anantha said...

now bob, didn't i ask you to stare at what you decoded. go, kick yourself!